Clean Water -- A Forgotten Glass Ceiling

Indian WomanRecognizing the value of good information for discerning donors, John Sauer submitted his latest blog entry on Huffington Post -- co-written with colleague Andra Tamburro at Water Advocates -- about the overlooked burden that lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation places on women. (Photo Credit: John Kayser, Water for People.) According to John and Andra's post:

Whether a woman lives in Africa, South America or Asia, one of her primary tasks is to gather water for her family. There is no convenience of indoor plumbing for these women. Compare the trek you make to your bathroom or kitchen for a glass of water to the journey women in the developing world must make -- 3 miles a day on average -- to fetch dirty water from mainly contaminated sources, such as rivers, unprotected springs and shallow wells. All this fetching for water uses up 40 billion hours annually of women's time worldwide. It could be more productively spent on income-generating activities, education and caring for their families.

Learn more.

Susan Herr

Posted at 10:55 AM, May 21, 2009 in Global Philanthropy | Peace and Justice | Poverty | Permalink