Proven Innovations for Mass Transit

It's not enough that Wall Street has been decimated and you can't swing a dead cat in this Brooklyn tea lounge without hitting five folks sending out their resumes. New York's public transit system is soon to implement massive fare increases while severely limiting service.

While the newest issue of Good Magazine may not convince New York's State Legislators to step up to the plate with funds needed to avert these increases and cuts, it does provide a great overview of proven, economically viable solutions for improving mass transit.

The issue includes a piece on congestion pricing, pioneered and proven in London but rejected by (common theme?) New York's State Legislature. Good doesn't bother to debate the merits of a program that provides incentives for folks not to drive in Manhattan during peak hours. It just describes how the program could be adapted to meet the needs of those who opposed it. (Can't find the link so maybe you've gotta buy the issue?)

It rates the most bikeable cities (hello Austin!) and describes where stimulus dollars will be targeted for transit (and why there isn't enough to do much but make repairs) as well as innovations in light rail.

I've read recently (can't remember where) that food movement isn't substantially poised with sustainable food policies the new Administration can immediately look to implement. The same can't be said for the environmentalist movement that has been the most sophisticated component of the Nonprofit Sector (my opinion and Paul Hawkens?) for more than a decade. The transit ideas detailed in Good make clear where greenies stand, walk, bike...

Susan Herr

Posted at 1:52 AM, Apr 10, 2009 in Environment | Permalink