Just in Time for Spring

community_garden.jpgWith the throes of winter behind us, it's time to cast off the heavy coat and start playing outside again. The folks at Gardenburger™ are acknowledging this, and offering a series of mini grants to anyone wishing to start a community garden. With the economy the way it is, and food resources becoming more and more scarce, this is the perfect time to invest time and/or money into a local gardening effort.

"Gardenburger™ Community Garden Grants were conceived as a way to encourage everyone to eat better by giving them access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and to support the spirit of community that comes from nurturing a shared plot of land.," says the grant description. Monetary awards range from $1,000 to $10,000, and all varieties of organizations ("neighborhood associations, schools, youth groups, community centers, camps, clubs - as long as your activities are garden-related") are encouraged to apply by May 15, 2009.

For donors who want to encourage healthy habits for growing generations, this grant opportunity is a great one. In this modern era, with grocery stores on every corner, it is hard to know where your food comes from, who grew it, and what chemicals were used in the growth/processing. It is time we got back to understanding all of these elements of food production, so that we can live healthier, and better quality lives. What better way is there to teach children, and adults, about food politics, than to have them participate in the growing of their own food?

Dana Variano

Posted at 1:00 AM, Apr 01, 2009 in Permalink | Comment

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