Open Society Institute Advances Drug Policy Reform

Drugs are all over the news, what with Secretary of State Clinton in Mexico today to accept partial responsibility for the problems that country faces from Mexican drug cartels (Clinton Says U.S. Feeds Mexico Drug Trade) and New York State lawmakers reaching a tentative agreement with Governor Patterson to repeal Rockefeller drug laws passed in the 70's to address what was then a raging heroin epidemic in this city.

George Soros' Open Society Institute has been addressing drug policy for years. If you want to get up to speed on what OSI calls "the disastrous effects of drug policy in recent years" check out its animated video report International Drug Policy: Animated Report 2009 which also proposes solutions. These include: evidence-based treatment, honest education, alternative development opportunities for farmers currently growing illegal plants, and punishments which draw distinctions between dealers and users.

Susan Herr

Posted at 1:43 PM, Mar 27, 2009 in Peace and Justice | Permalink | Comment

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