VIDEO -- Cummings Foundation President on Clean Air in LA

This clip was from Tuesday morning's event at the Marketplace of Ideas, hosted by the Drum Major Institute for Public Policy. The speaker is Lance Lindblom, the President and CEO of the Nathan Cummings Foundation, and the question is a follow-up to a fascinating panel discussion on a bold new green initiative being taken by the Port of Los Angeles.

My question mirrors the one raised in the initial clip at the top of this entry. Foundation work and foundation dollars from the east coast played a vital roll in moving the L.A. project forward. Why, then, was the process so difficult here? As a New York-based thinker, it’s easy to celebrate L.A.’s success, but it’s hard to see why East Coast money needed to look as far away as L.A. to “find a partner.”

Unfortunately, I was unable to speak with Mr. Lindblom after the event to get a better understanding of how and why the Cummings Foundation was involved in the L.A. port plan. However, we will be looking further into how and where foundations are supporting large Green Collar job movements.

For more information on the original Marketplace of Ideas panel, check out my other entry, here.

Dana Variano

Posted at 1:00 AM, Oct 16, 2008 in Environment | Streaming Media | Permalink | Comment