Ford President in Forbes on Default Mortgages

luisubinas.jpg Ford Foundation President Luis Ubinas has a new op-ed in Forbes this week entitled, How To Keep Americans In Their Homes that is worth checking out.

These days we are much more aware of the fact that it's not the families defaulting on their mortgages that are the fault. But, still, we are hearing too little about how the bail-out will help those who have fallen under the weight of tricky sub-prime mortgages.

According to Urbinas:

First, we must reject the notion that helping homeowners facing foreclosure amounts to a bailout of "deadbeat" households. Instead, we should pursue a plan to stabilize American families with the same urgency that has been applied to the financial system. Such an effort should include counseling to prevent additional foreclosures and a new mechanism to restructure mortgages into sensible loans that keep borrowers in their homes.

Check it out. And if you want a really user-friendly guide to understanding the financial mess, check out a special edition of This American Life. I recently had the pleasure of hearing Ira Glass share for two hours about how he puts the show together. He noted that the show never would have launched without support from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and my friend who served as an arts guru there for many years: Nick Rabkin.

Susan Herr

Posted at 1:32 AM, Oct 21, 2008 in Cross-Sectoral Strategies | Economic Development | Poverty | Permalink | Comments (2)


Posted by: sekoras

This article was pretty interesting. It's intriguing to see what's going on in the mortgage world.

Posted by: Mortgages