GOOD Magazine Appears to Be...

GOOD. In case you don't, know, GOOD Magazine is "for people who give a damn. It's an entertaining magazine about things that matter."

Why have I resisted GOOD for so long? Over the past decade I've pined for a Fast Company that focused on the Nonprofit Sector. That was when I assumed the Nonprofit Sector was the only option for advancing real change in our communities, our country and around the globe. Like many others, I now believe that market-based solutions, strategically applied, may have much more influence. That means the magazine I pine for has changed in my mind as well.

I resisted GOOD because it emerged in a spate of new publications targeting social change. Early on, the website supporting the mag seemed like a really small community (which I'm sure it was.) But the publication and website have evolved rapidly. I'm especially excited by the terrific video work GOOD is producing. What's posted is a recent original production on the global water crisis that has really stuck with me in the month since I watched it.

Back with more GOOD soon, I'm sure.

Susan Herr

Posted at 6:43 AM, Apr 29, 2008 in Cross-Sectoral Strategies | Philanthropic Strategy | Streaming Media | Permalink | Comment