Seeds, Hope and Concrete

Many people think of the work of Heifer International as supplying cows, goats, and chickens to impoverished areas of the world such as India, China, Africa and Mexico. But Heifer initiatives work to alleviate hunger and poverty from "Appalachia to Zimbabwe," including at least 93 projects in the US. Such projects include training and support for local communities to create capacity to grow their own food, market their produce for income, and advocate for regional food systems that serve the needs of low-income individuals.

Check out this video, "Seeds, Hope and Concrete," in which individuals talk about creating and strengthening the connection between people and their food. Urban agriculture is the catalyst for social change, and sustainable communities where, as Will Allen, CEO of Growing Power, a Heifer partner, states, "People can walk down the street and know their neighbors." And where, "you can take a two-acre plot and on that two-acre facility you can raise a substantial amount of food for thousands of people."

Perhaps it is true that, "Driving food from California to Toronto makes less and less sense, or flying red peppers from Holland makes less and less sense." Across North America, Heifer International and others are helping to "grow healthy food, promote sustainable enterprises, and rebuild the food system from the ground up." It certainly couldn't happen at a better time.

Caroline Heine

Posted at 8:21 AM, Jan 23, 2008 in Economic Development | Environment | Global Philanthropy | Health | Peace and Justice | Social Entreprenuers | Youth | Permalink | Comment