Exciting Youth About Science and Math
It's fairly apparent that schools with more funds have more to offer students in the way of science and math resources than those with far less. Computers, field trips, materials, passionate teachers who receive on-going training-- all are required to engage students with science and math in ways that can lead not only to rewarding careers but toward building the army of knowledgeable workers America needs to be competitive in a world economy.
Equity in school funding is a hot political issue for which many local, regional and national organizations continue to advocate. In addition, many organizations are advocating for programs that can appeal to girls who, in particular, continue to lag in these fields.
Just came across a really cool site created by the National Governors Association and Scholastic, which doesn't address the bigger picture but does contribute to what any kid with a computer can grab a hold of. Youinnovate21.net provides high-def games for middle school students and standards-based content that promotes innovation for teachers. Check it out.
Posted at 7:51 PM, Dec 04, 2007 in Education | Permalink | Comment