VIDEO--Dining for Board Diversity

In this brief video blog, from the National Center for Black Philanthropy conference, Marnita Schroedl describes work she is doing to help Social Venture Partners/Minneapolis, develop greater diversity. When I asked Brad Brown to comment on the video, this is what he told me:

I am new in the ED job at SVP Minnesota and one of my highest priorities is to recruit more people of color as partners in our organization. I see Marnita as a key resource in that work. I particularly liked Marnita's comment about, 'how many people of color do you have in your rolodex'. That has caused me to look at my network in a new way.

Marnita is the co-founder of Marnita’s Table which is changing the world one dinner party at a time. Here is how the website describes the organization’s work:

Embarking on a bold journey of rapid social integration, we expand our personal, profession and philanthropic networks by welcoming the others into our homes and social lives. Through intent, we cut across traditional boundaries of ethnic, cultural, religious, or sexual identity, as well as educational or socio-econonomic status, and find common ground - always while breaking bread. By conscious process, we create enduring relationships.

Marnita is also featured in our most recent episode of “Dialogue for Discerning Donors” entitled Black Philanthropy: Time, Treasure, Truth. I was blown away by the compelling simplicity of her message and the way that she can speak to sensitive issues in a forthright and inviting manner. Check her out.

Susan Herr

Posted at 1:29 AM, Aug 14, 2007 in Streaming Media | Permalink | Comment