PhilanthroMedia Interviews Foundation Leaders

Two thousand philanthropists convened in Seattle for the past three days to share and refine strategies for addressing the challenges of poverty, health, environment and disaster.

Yesterday PhilanthroMedia videotaped more than twenty foundation leaders who were asked to articulate one promising strategy they believe donors wishing to address these challenges should consider.

Interviews included:
Susan Beresford, Ford Foundation
Ralph Smith, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Max King, Heinz Endowments
Kathy Merchant, Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Steve Gunderson, Council on Foundations
Tim Walter, Association of Small Foundations
Vince Stehle, Surdna Foundation
Alberto Ibarguen, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Geri Mannion, Carnegie Corporation
Sandra Hernandez, San Francisco Foundation
Amina Dickerson, Kraft
Ann Cramer, IBM

Responses ranged from support enabling individuals to take advantage of earned income tax credit to voter registration drives to conservation education practices. Several cited the imperative for supporting entities that are coordinating cross-sectoral approaches to these indisputably interlinked issues.

Look for the videocast next week.

Caroline Heine

Posted at 11:16 AM, May 01, 2007 in Cross-Sectoral Strategies | High Net Worth Donors | Philanthropic Strategy | Permalink | Comment