Worth –-More Philanthropy

Swanee Hunt.jpg The March 2007 issue of Worth magazine (on newsstands now but never on-line) demonstrates increasingly stronger coverage of philanthropy. It includes the seemingly ubiquitous Mohammed Yunus whose efforts to advance microfinance won him last year's Nobel Peace Prize. Reflecting the nature of its audience, in this interview Worth asks Yunus to provide his insights on the securitization of microfinance loans and the challenges of trading securities in countries without capital markets.

Also featured is a first-person perspective from Swanee Hunt (pictured), the youngest child of Texas oil magnate H.L. Hunt. Her Hunt Alternatives Fund has spent $60 million to “provoke social change” with an emphasis on advancing women as peace makers, especially within the public policy arena. According to Hunt, “A UN official told me that the warlords won’t have women on their teams because they are afraid the women will compromise. Bingo.”

Susan Herr

Posted at 6:01 AM, Mar 14, 2007 in Permalink | Comment