On-Line Donor Tool

Over the past year, Business Week Online has provided really robust, multi-media coverage of philanthropy. This includes an on-line survey, developed by Arabella Advisors (and aptly found at www.givesomethought.com,) that helps individual donors assess their giving strategy. While I didn't find the final report generated by the survey particularly helpful, the questions it posed promote comprehensive consideration. These focused on:

- how you define the parameters of your giving (geography, issue, percieved need)
- the extent to which you plan how much you will give
- how you research options
- the extent to which you choose to diversify your giving
- what information you need/want to understand the impact of your giving

I'd say this survey is worth a gander for givers at every level.

Susan Herr

Posted at 6:02 AM, Mar 13, 2007 in Philanthropic Strategy | Permalink | Comment