Socially Responsible v. Blood Diamonds
This Sunday night, we will see how Blood Diamond actors Djimon Hounsou (nominated for best supporting and pictured right) and Leonardo DiCaprio (nominated for best actor), fare in the race for Oscar. Winning aside, the movie may cost me my diamond rings, what with all the guilt any half-beating heart feels when it leaves the theatre. The Palm Beach Post summarizes the sentiment in an article called, "Diamonds Again Brace for 'Blood' Fallout."
For resources on the topic, Warner Brother's official movie site links to Amnesty International and Global Witness which provides a shopper's guide on conflict diamonds. Global Giving has also launched a "socially responsible diamond" initiative with SA Gems, managing partner of The Private Collection of South African Diamond Program. Participating U.S. jewelers donate a portion of the purchase price to high-impact community projects. The contributions are helping women in South Africa fight AIDS, poor communities in South Africa install sanitation systems, coal-dependent communities in Kenya develop and use alternative sources of energy, and school girls in Burkina Faso have midday meals that improve their ability to learn.
Log on to contribute your own money at Global Giving or raise a bundle by standing outside the theatre with a bucket to catch the glittering guilt.
Posted at 12:32 PM, Feb 21, 2007 in Peace and Justice | Permalink | Comment