Promises, promises

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There are five promises, identified by America’s Promise—Alliance for Youth, that research has shown the more of these a child receives, the more successful he or she is likely to be. And these are not complicated promises, like a college degree, in fact, the promises are stunningly simple. They are: Caring adults, safe places, healthy start, effective education, and opportunities to help others.

According to the research titled, “Every Child, Every Promise,” when a child receives four out of five of these promises, chances are likely children will be academically successful, civically engaged and socially competent:
--Academic Achievement: Teens and younger children with 4 or 5 Promises are more than twice as likely to get mostly A’s in school, as compared to teens and younger children with one or fewer Promises in their lives.

--Volunteering: Young people with 4 or 5 Promises are 40% more likely to volunteer in their communities than those with just 0 or 1 Promise.

--Avoiding Violence: Teens who receive 4 or 5 Promises are nearly twice as likely to refrain from using violence compared to teens with only 0 or 1 Promise.

--Social Competence: Teens who receive 4 or 5 Promises are nearly 2/3 more likely than those with 0 or 1 Promise to be generous, respectful and empathetic and resolve conflicts calmly. Younger children with 4 or 5 Promises are twice as likely to be socially competent than their peers with 0 or 1 Promise.

America’s Promise has identified 100 communities that are employing outstanding, innovative efforts to improve the well-being of young people. Want to help keep the promises to our youth? Check out the Call to Action for how you, too, can help keep the promises.

Caroline Heine

Posted at 7:46 AM, Feb 19, 2007 in Youth | Permalink | Comment