Promises, promises
There are five promises, identified by America’s Promise—Alliance for Youth, that research has shown the more of these a child receives, the more successful he or she is likely to be. And these are not complicated promises, like a college degree, in fact, the promises are stunningly simple. They are: Caring adults, safe places, healthy start, effective education, and opportunities to help others.
According to the research titled, “Every Child, Every Promise,” when a child receives four out of five of these promises, chances are likely children will be academically successful, civically engaged and socially competent:
--Academic Achievement: Teens and younger children with 4 or 5 Promises are more than twice as likely to get mostly A’s in school, as compared to teens and younger children with one or fewer Promises in their lives.
--Volunteering: Young people with 4 or 5 Promises are 40% more likely to volunteer in their communities than those with just 0 or 1 Promise.
--Avoiding Violence: Teens who receive 4 or 5 Promises are nearly twice as likely to refrain from using violence compared to teens with only 0 or 1 Promise.
--Social Competence: Teens who receive 4 or 5 Promises are nearly 2/3 more likely than those with 0 or 1 Promise to be generous, respectful and empathetic and resolve conflicts calmly. Younger children with 4 or 5 Promises are twice as likely to be socially competent than their peers with 0 or 1 Promise.
America’s Promise has identified 100 communities that are employing outstanding, innovative efforts to improve the well-being of young people. Want to help keep the promises to our youth? Check out the Call to Action for how you, too, can help keep the promises.
Posted at 7:46 AM, Feb 19, 2007 in Youth | Permalink | Comment