NY Times Ad Claims "PETA Kills Animals?"
The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is running full page ads in the New York Times to promote their website: PETAKillsAnimals.com. It claims, "From July 1998 through the end of 2005, PETA killed over 14,400 dogs, cats, and other 'companion animals' -- at its Norfolk, Virginia headquarters." CCF claims to be "...a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the full range of choices that American consumers currently enjoy. In addition to malicious animal-rights activists, we stand up to the 'food police,' environmental scaremongers, neo-prohibitionists, meddling bureaucrats, and other self-anointed saints who claim to 'know what's best' for you."
Animal lovers are often commited philanthropists, as demonstrated by the outpouring of donations to help animals affected by Hurricane Katrina. PETA wasn't part of that mix, as I recall, but they do have strong brand recognition for their efforts to "fight animal abuse worldwide." Obviously, those opposing PETA feel just as strongly about these issues.
PhilanthroMedia can't make heads or tails of the CCF-sponsored site. Can you?
Posted at 9:39 AM, Jan 25, 2007 in Permalink | Comments (1)