Atlantic Philanthropies Launches Partnership to Mobilize Seniors
Atlantic Philanthropies has announced a multi-year, multi-million-dollar initiative to help communities mobilize people over the age of 60 in the fight against economic decline, failing schools, urban sprawl, and other serious social issues.
"Tapping the tremendous potential of older adults to improve life for everyone in their communities is at the heart of this initiative," said Laura Robbins, head of Atlantic's U.S. Aging Program. "In communities across the U.S., the energy, skills, and experience of people over 60 are ready to be unleashed. Imagine how much stronger communities will be when they choose to benefit from the time and talents of their most experienced citizens.
Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice (GCCFV) is one of the 30 community foundations receiving grant awards to assess and better understand the opportunities for older adults to devise creative solutions for problems in their communities. The initial $750,000 in local investments will likely be followed by millions in grants for planning and implementing new programs. From to the GCCFV's website:
As the first of 77 million baby boomers nationwide begin to reach age 60, the demographics of Sarasota County and Englewood put our communities at the forefront of understanding the impact and opportunities of this massive demographic shift. Baby boomers represent the largest, healthiest, and best educated group in history to enter their sixth decade. National research shows that tens of millions of people over 60 are looking to make a difference in their community, and initiatives created and funded by Gulf Coast Community Foundation in recent years have emphasized and explored this opportunity locally.
Posted at 6:40 AM, Jan 10, 2007 in Aging | Permalink | Comment