Make Your Final Gifts of 06 Today
According to a new survey, Baby Boomers are on track to give 20% more than the wider pool of donors. That means they will make average donations of $6,000 up from $5,000 last year. You don't have to be a mathematician or development officer to know skads of Boomers x $1,000 = mucho merry for many community agencies. (You can get back to your alma mater next year.)
But today is the last day to make that gift and fulfill the survey numbers. If you are a Boomer, it's the last day to shake the notion that we don't give as generously as the generation before us. It is also really cool to extract from the overwhelming bounty of the holiday season a bit of the wealth in which we live for the betterment of others. I will if you will...
Posted at 8:35 AM, Dec 29, 2006 in Permalink | Comments (1)