Wealth and Giving Forum for Donors
Changing our World's Philanthropy Summit in NYC this week included Leonard Kaplan, founder of the Wealth and Giving Forum which brings donors together based on his (Kaplan's) belief that, "...people of affluence
can do a far better job of meeting society's most pressing needs if they get
together with their peers from time to time to talk about philanthropy and to find
creative ways to leverage their efforts."
Leonard described how the Forum has worked with some 200 families during two and three day retreats that enable donors to dig deep with their peers and leaders who might inform and influence them. Alluding to the not inconsiderable importance of these gatherings, Forum participant and renowned economist
Jeffrey D. Sachs is quoted on their site as saying:
At the Greenbrier, I realized that it will be individuals and families like the ones in the room who, through focused and concentrated private support, are going to inspire large organizations and governments to action. I'd been undervaluing an essential component for what is needed to end extreme poverty: private philanthropy."
Philanthromedia promises to learn more about this group and report back. Your insights and experience on the topic are welcome.
Posted at 8:44 AM, Nov 03, 2006 in High Net Worth Donors | Permalink | Comment