Perspectives from Gates Foundation CEO
Scale, focus, thoughtfulness, strategy, analysis, measurement --- Gate's Foundation CEO Patty Stonesifer and Bill Gates, Sr. (at Slate 60 last week) continue to insist that their work does not represent a new model for philanthropy, that they are the latest players in a long tradition of foundations. (For more on Patty's perspectives, check out the Venture Philanthropy Partners newsletter.)
Their intentions, desires, and effort level is surely no different, but the application of analytical and technology resources to their process is very different. While measuring impact is talked about at the largest foundations, the technology does not exist to support it in the marketplace. The more the Gates Foundation emulates normal business practices, which will force them to build their own systems for accountability, the more they will be a bellweather for the sector in these complex challenges.
Posted at 7:03 AM, Nov 20, 2006 in Philanthropic Strategy | Permalink | Comment