Business Models (and other considerations) from the Arts World
The Artful Manager is a terrific blog that "...seeks a new set of metaphors for the administrative
leaders of arts and culture. There is a need for business thinking, to
be sure, with an intensity and deftness we have only begun to
understand. But there is also an energy beyond money and markets that
the artful manager must channel. What if, in the end, the arts
organization is not a problem to be managed, but an instrument to be
Recognizing the special challenges to sustainability faced by nonprofit arts organizaitons, one recent entry focuses on an intriguing idea for blending nonprofit and for-profit models:
Matthew Richter is fed up with the nonprofit corporate model, and isn't going to take it any more (in an excerpt from a longer work on the subject).
He suggests that the time has come for a more market-forces-friendly
structure that will bring back profit motive and equity ownership to
social-sector challenges...He suggests a line-item nonprofit model, where a for-profit company
can request a charitable tax status for specific activities that serve
the public good (a nightclub could run a performance art program; could run a literacy and free book initiative). The primary
drive of these organizations would remain profit and ownership and
self-interest...but the social and public interests of the owners would
have a new way to sustain themselves.
Posted at 1:05 PM, Nov 10, 2006 in Arts and Culture | Permalink | Comment